Kings County is making significant progress as illustrated by the data represented by the Blueprint for a Safe Economy. Based on the status of the data, we are getting close to safely opening our schools. In preparation for schools to re-open, our district will be following the COVID-19 Industry Guidance as well as the LUESD Re-Opening Plan to allow our students to return to in-person learning at each one of our schools in the safest manner possible. We understand that some families may be unable to send their children back to a traditional school in-person setting for medical, health or other reasons. LUESD will offer two instructional setting options once our schools fully re-open: 1) In-Person Learning (Traditional School) and 2) Distance Learning (Learning from home). LUESD is asking families that would like their student's to continue school through distance learning fill out the LUESD Instructional Setting Selection Questionnaire ( . For families who do not complete the questionnaire, the district will prepare for their children to physically return to school and participate in an in-person learning (traditional school).
over 4 years ago, District
Kings County is making significant progress as illustrated by the data represented by the Blueprint for a Safe Economy. Based on the status of the data, we are getting close to safely opening our schools. In preparation for schools to re-open, our district will be following the COVID-19 Industry Guidance as well as the LUESD Re-Opening Plan to allow our students to return to in-person learning at each one of our schools in the safest manner possible. We understand that some families may be unable to send their children back to a traditional school in-person setting for medical, health or other reasons. LUESD will offer two instructional setting options once our schools fully re-open: 1) In-Person Learning (Traditional School) and 2) Distance Learning (Learning from home). LUESD is asking families that would like their student's to continue school through distance learning fill out the LUESD Instructional Setting Selection Questionnaire. For families who do not complete the questionnaire, the district will prepare for their children to physically return to school and participate in an in-person learning (traditional school).
over 4 years ago, District
Addressing fears about Covid-19 among students & families when they return to school will help students to participate, focus & learn. Hablar sobre los temores sobre COVID-19 entre los estudiantes y las familias cuando regresen a la escuela ayudará a los estudiantes a participar, concentrarse y aprender. #AttendanceAwarenessMonth #AttendanceMatters #LUESDStrong #weareLUESD
over 4 years ago, District
kids with masks
FREE COVID-19 testing! Why regular testing is important: • Testing provides the opportunity to understand the spread and nature of the virus • If the county tests more than the current state average, it will benefit the county’s score in terms of the state’s reopening model. ¡Prueba COVID-19 GRATIS! Por qué es importante realizar pruebas periódicas: • Las pruebas brindan la oportunidad de comprender la propagación y la naturaleza del virus • Si el condado obtiene más pruebas que el promedio estatal actual, beneficiará la puntuación del condado en términos del modelo de reapertura del estado.
over 4 years ago, District
C19 EB
TWO WEEKS LEFT! The #Census2020 deadline is September 30. LUESD families take the time to visit to be counted! The Census influences California's federal funding for important community services that support our families! ¡SOLO QUEDAN DOS SEMANAS! La fecha límite del #Census2020 es el 30 de septiembre. Familias de LUESD tomen el tiempo para visitar para ser contadas! ¡El censo influye los fondos federales de California para servicios importantes comunitarios que apoyan a nuestras familias! #weareLUESD #LUESDCounts #LemooreCounts
over 4 years ago, District
The Kings County Health Department will be providing free, no appointment necessary, self-swab COVID-19 testing in Kings County this week. The goal of our community is to strive to encourage all of our community members to be tested. Through testing we can get a more accurate picture of COVID-19 transmission in Kings County and drive down the positivity rate. You must wear a mask to be tested. Questions please call 559-584-1401. El Departamento de Salud del Condado de Kings proporcionará pruebas de COVID-19 gratuitas y sin cita en el condado de Kings esta semana. El objetivo de nuestra comunidad es animar a todos los miembros de nuestra comunidad a hacerse la prueba. A través de las pruebas, podemos obtener una imagen más precisa de la transmisión de COVID-19 en el condado de Kings y reducir la tasa de positividad. Debe usar una máscara para ser examinado. Si tiene preguntas, llame al 559-584-1401.
over 4 years ago, District
covid 19
covid 19
A successful approach to school this year calls for partnerships across the board. Let's focus on growing & maintaining relationships between families, students, teachers & schools, whether teaching is in person, remote or a blend of the two. Un enfoque exitoso de la escuela este año requiere trabajar todos juntos. Centrémonos en hacer crecer y mantener las relaciones entre familias, estudiantes, profesores y las escuelas, ya sea que la enseñanza sea en persona, remota o una combinación de ambas. #SchoolEveryDay #AttendanceAwarenessMonth #AttendanceMatters #LUESDStrong #weareLUESD
over 4 years ago, District
school everyday
Creating an engaging, supportive climate can motivate students to attend classes and encourage families to stay involved. Crear un clima de participación y apoyo puede motivar a los estudiantes a asistir a clases y alentar a las familias a participar. #AttendanceAwarenessMonth #AttendanceMatters #LUESDStrong #weareLUESD
over 4 years ago, District
Starting tomorrow, Tuesday, September 8th we will begin a second meal distribution period. 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM and 11:15 AM - 12:45 PM. Comenzando mañana, martes 8 de septiembre tendremos un segundo tiempo de distribución de comidas gratis!! 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM y 11:15 AM - 12:45 PM.
over 4 years ago, District
free lunch
lonche gratis
Attend today, Achieve tomorrow. --- Asista hoy, Logre mañana. #LUESDStrong #AttendanceMatters #weareLUESD
over 4 years ago, District
Attend today, Achieve tomorrow.
Updated info regarding school lunches. They’ll now be provided for FREE for ALL kids under age 18!! For more information please contact Child Nutrition Department: 559-925-6294
over 4 years ago, District
free lunch
lonche gratis
September is #AttendanceAwarenessMonth The campaign to end chronic absence starts now! Septiembre es mes de concientización sobre la asistencia ¡La campaña para terminar con la ausencia crónica comienza ahora! #LUESDStrong #AttendanceMatters #weareLUESD
over 4 years ago, District
attendance matters
This September is Attendance Awareness Month, but the time to end chronic attendance is now! #SchoolEveryDay FACT: By 6th grade chronic absence is a clear predictor that students may drop out. Read more here: #SchoolEveryDay Chronic absence affects all kids, not just the absent ones. Learn how to get kids in #SchoolEveryDay here:
over 4 years ago, UCS Hawks
Attendance Awareness Month
Support From Our Community Kings Partnership for Prevention (KPFP) is promoting a "Support Safe Learning" campaign to raise community awareness of the challenges students, parents and school staff are facing during these unprecedented times. They are soliciting donations for student supplies and inviting businesses to adopt classrooms. Their show of support is welcome indeed! KPFP are also sponsoring a community wide spirit week for schools from August 17-21. So let's support them in turn!! KINGSCOUNTYSTRONG #LUESDSTRONG
over 4 years ago, District
kc spirit week
LUESD Elementary Schools and University Charter School will be distributing technology and instructional materials on Tuesday and Wednesday. #LUESDStrong
over 4 years ago, District
UCS Welcome Back Parent Letter. UCS is scheduling "Back-to-School" meetings for August 11th and 12th. Please see information included for these events.
over 4 years ago, UCS Hawks
UCS Parent Welcome Back Letter
LUESD Letter
LUESD will be following the Distance Learning Standards mandated by the California Department of Education. LUESD seguirá los Estándares de Educación a Distancia ordenados por el Departamento de Educación de California.
over 4 years ago, District
Distance Learning Standards
Spanish Distance Learning Standards
August 3, 2020 Dear Lemoore Union Elementary School Families, We are just a week away from launching our 2020/2021 school year and we are excited to begin this learning journey with you and your student(s). We will be opening this school year with ALL of our students in a Distance Learning Instructional model. The Distance Learning Model being implemented will NOT be the same as the Distance Learning approach we implemented last spring. Your child’s participation is NOT optional or under a “hold harmless” interpretation. Students will be provided with the same rigorous instruction and high level of expectations we provide to each one of our students during our traditional face-to-face instruction. We are committed to ensuring our students continue to receive the quality education our parents expect and our students deserve. Critical updates are noted below as we prepare for our year together: ● Students will be issued their technology device along with hard copy materials/textbooks to support instruction on August 11 & 12. ● School site Principals will provide specific parent information this week related to the school distribution plan. ● Meals will be provided in a grab and go model. Meal service will take place on Tuesday and Thursdays from 11:15am-12:45pm at each of our school sites. University Charter School and Bridges Academy students will have access at our Liberty Middle School campus for meal pick-up. Mobile meal service will be provided at Sunset Vista and Belle Haven at the times noted above. Please make sure to complete all necessary meal service lunch applications. If you have, any questions related to the meal service program, please contact the Child Nutrition Department at 559-925-6294. Meal service will begin on August 11. Distance Learning Standards: ● Each student will be assigned a grade level teacher as well as support staff should the student receive English Language Development (ELD) services, Special Education services or Counseling support. ● Students will be engaged in daily instruction Monday through Friday. Attendance will be taken each day. ● A daily instructional schedule will be provided by your school Principal. ● Students will receive live instruction from their teacher, pre-recorded lessons from the teacher and/or online resources, and allotted time for independent work. ● Students will receive instruction based on the guaranteed and essential standards for their grade level. ● Students will be required to complete/submit assignments, and work will be graded. ● Students will receive a report card each trimester. A virtual parent conference will be implemented to ensure interactions and feedback related to student progress are in place We are confident that together EACH ONE of us will work in partnership to support our precious students in order for them to receive the education they deserve. Critical information will be provided via your site principal and teacher in the coming days. Please make sure to refer to our district and site websites for our 2020/2021 school year critical information as well as phone call communication. We appreciate your continued support as we navigate the new school year with a focus on the health and safety of our students, staff and families. Sincerely, Cheryl Hunt Superintendent
over 4 years ago, District
Distance Learning Parent Communication
Great job last week LUESD Family! We are on week 3 Activity 1! When we are able to return to in person instruction, there will be a list of symptoms for you to review with your child. If your child has any of the symptoms, they will need to stay home. Please review this letter thoroughly. Keeping symptomatic individuals home will be an important part of slowing the spread of this virus. Start practicing this review of symptoms before the start of school so the first day is familiar.
over 4 years ago, District
IT’S TIME TO ENROLL After School Program OPEN REGISTRATION EXTENDED July 24th – July 31st, 2020 2020/2021 ENROLLMENT Cinnamon, Lemoore, Meadow Lane and Engvall Elementary Schools Incoming students in grades 1st through 6th are eligible to apply for the after school program Complete a pre-registration form TODAY using the links below English: Spanish:
over 4 years ago, District
after school program